Game Programming : Project 4


Game of Life : Third Person Game

In this game there are 3 stages, childhood, adulthood and old age. 
In each level, there are bullies/ enemies , 1 key, 1 door and 4 different types of collective. Without the key you cannot open the door. 4 collectives can be counted as obstacles. They are Money, Love, Esteem and Coin. At the end, it does not count as you have to find the meaning of your life. To find that you need to search for the key. Key is like the purpose of your life. Without you cannot open the door of success.

Childhood level is easy, 

Adulthood level is easy but lengthy you have to find the key and door which are located in different places.

Old Age Level is hard as when you are old you have limited time so does this level. In this level, there is a time limit of 3 minutes. You need to find the key to find the meaning of your life.

** Enemies and Heart collectible looks similar in red color because sometimes we fail to understand who is good for us and who is bad.

Enemies/bullies follows us as we are near to the success or near to them. They can destroy us.

Prakash Shahi Thakuri - Dec 8th, 2019  

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